Saturday, 17 May 2014

It has ALWAYS been YOU!

"We are the people we are waiting for. We must step up and take the reins. There is no one else. Just us."

Beautiful lines- aren’t they? Life is all about relationships. We have a relationship with everyone and everything that affects us in our lives. Though we tend to forget and neglect the most important and our first relationship- with ourselves.

Look into the mirror and what looks back at you sometimes feels like a stranger. ‘This is not me’- you say and yet a part of you knows that it is you- the unfamiliar, the unexplored facet of you. The unfamiliar has rushed in to let you know what you forgot amidst all your other relationships. It has come to your aid to lift up the illusion that you are alone and bored.

The unfamiliar though sometimes scary also builds up the excitement of the possibility of exploring a new part of you. You are at ground zero- you’ve lost everything around and within you that was once familiar. Would it all come back or is it gone forever? This ground gives you a clean slate; to forge your first ever relationship- with you; A relationship of unconditional love, respect and acceptance.

‘Would I be full of myself, oblivious of the world around me?’ she asked.

‘Tell me what you truly feel?’ the unfamiliar questioned back.

‘I know I have been running around trying to find myself. I don’t know you and yet I feel drawn to the promise of a beautiful future with you. I hold a void within me which I know can never be filled by the world. There is no salvation but Now. There is no love but Me. Is there not?’

The unfamiliar gave a gleeful chuckle and encouraged her to go on.

‘I have been swayed by losses and gains of material and emotional nature. What if I lose this? What if I lose them? I did lose them! I am all alone! Is there meaning to life? Does God exist? If He does, does He care?’ she said with a distant look, tracing back the ordeal she has lived through.

‘You have been SO brave.  Now tell me- does all of the above matter?’ the unfamiliar asked with a tender and loving concern.

She smiled for the first time and responded- ‘Now it doesn’t. I know I have Me, my biggest love. I am not a piece of paper drifting through the wind without an anchor. Is there meaning to life? Honestly, I don’t know and I don’t care.’
‘All I know is that this existence is about relationships. The first and the last being with Me. In between, I’ll enjoy the ride with my fellow travelers and have some fun! I am the one for myself…it has always been Me.’

The unfamiliar felt a deep sense of joy hearing her say this.

And since then every time she looked into the mirror, the unfamiliar ceased feeling so unfamiliar to her.

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