Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The Wounded Feminine

Her childlike innocence was lost and her children could no longer roam free.  Hearts closed, unconditional love was forgotten and the society broke down. Great grief was experienced at the loss of harmony and sweetness- at the loss of the great love between man and woman.

Woman lost her purity and grace and innocence in these times in her need to hold onto and to own the male, for he no longer freely supported the children of their union.  She closed her heart, could no longer trust and love unconditionally in her need to fight for and to protect her child and herself.   She longed for the times of sweet love and security and began to use her feminine power against the masculine to own him.  She lost her innocence and inner beauty and began to hate herself, turned against herself and closed down her unconditional love.

The base chakra, sacral and solar plexus hold distortions of personal power, fears regarding livelihood and security, disconnection to the physical body, sexual and intimacy distortions, lack of will and direction and issues of fear and jealousy of others’ power and of misusing own power.  Shutting down of the heart results in an inability to trust others.

Breathe deeply to acknowledge these memories and experiences, and allow karmic release to occur, releasing all memories and distortions from the chakras, with forgiveness of yourself and all others.
Our feminine is asked whether she will forgive the abuses against her, forgive the masculine?

All of the feminine are asked if they will forgive the lack of respect and honour they have endured for several generations? This wounded Feminine needs her Honour and love back- this is what she has hungered for- The emptiness of the heart to be filled with love and perfection of the divine blueprint restored.

- Excerpt from an article

Love and Light- TONS of it!